Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Enable thumbnail view and photo editor in Windows Server 2008

When trying to use Server 2008 more like a desktop, you will find some options need to be enabled so that it behaves more like a workstation.

Two things that come to mind are thumnail view which is disabled and Microsoft Windows Photo and Fax viewer (so that you can view the pictures with something other than "Paint")

For Thumbnails:
Click on "start" --> "run", then type in "SystemPropertiesPerformance" Check off "show thumbnails instead of icons and then "OK"

For "Photo and Fax viewer", you need to enable the "Desktop Experience" in the Server Manager, go to "Features" --> "Add Features" and choose "Desktop Experience". the Windows Photo and Fax viewer will then be enabled.

1 comment:

  1. window photo viewer does not get added this way. i tried.
