Monday, September 21, 2009

Link Excel spreadsheet to SQL Server 2005

Create "New Linked Server" in the linked servers tree
* Name it
* Provider: Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider
* Product Name: Excel
* Data Source: c:\xxxx\xxxx\xx.xls
* Provider String: Excel 8.0

Then choose OK - make sure you have the file in the proper directory.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

display all fields from one database record

Here is a quick way, when debugging, to display all fields from one record
(courtesy of Bill W from 4GuysfromRolla)

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM requests WHERE ID = " & rID & ";"
Set RS = yourAlreadyOpenConnectionObject.Execute( strSQL )
For fnum = 0 TO RS.Fields.Count-1
Set fld = RS.Fields(fnum)
Response.Write & "=" & fld.value & "(begin tag)br/(end tag)" & vbNewLine

Displaying all form fields submitted from page

I like this simple code when debugging or starting a new project where I need to see all the form fields submitted at once:

For Each fld In Request.Form
Response.Write fld & "=" & Request.Form(fld) & "(begin tag)br/(end tag)>" & vbNewLine
Response.Write "(begin tag)hr(end tag)"

Friday, September 11, 2009


Administrator at the office got a call on the phone today from someone claiming to be from Hewlett Packard and "needed to talk about the problem with the HP printer" The administrator sent me the call and when I picked up, the person on the line said "I'm calling for Hewlett Packard, this is about your HP2015 printer, we're sorry we were supposed to call about the price change on the toner it is going up to 748 dollars from its regular price of 698 dollars, we didn't get this information to you out in time." I'm thinking hmmm I don't even have a HP2015 printer and anyway, this is a lot of money for toner so I said "how much toner?", she said "a box" I am thinking this must be a carton of about 6 or something, I said "one box?" and she said "yes, now we will complete the order and ship it out at the lower cost" I said "what company are you?" and she said "IDC Servco", then I said "how come I have never heard of you and why are you quoting prices to me as if you were shipping it out?", the next thing she did was hang up.

I checked on the internet and found this is a common scam attempt from this company: That is a post from 2007 so this stuff has been happening for a long time.

Please tell your people in charge of the printing supplies to watch out for this, they are fast talkers....