Monday, July 20, 2009

Installing New Open-Source SSL VPN

Here I will document the complete installation of a new SSL VPN - Completely OpenSource and Free as in beer.

Download Adito
Download latest Java Development Kit
Download Apache ANT

Decompress ANT to c:\ANT
Change Environment Path to add c:\ant\bin

Issue 1. After issuing "ant install" in command prompt it could not find the tools.jar file because it was looking in the jre directory and not the jdk directory - I issued "set JAVA_HOME=c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_14" in command prompt. This allowed ant to find the tools.jar file and copy it back to the Adito home directory. Has to do this for legal reasons - Adito cannot package tools.jar into their install.

Great, everything starts to install and brings me first to a certificate creation or install - I create new cert with passphrase and company info.

Fill in info, decide whether to use Active Directory or built-in database, creae super user, decide port/protocols/ip addreses outside names, etc

Configure proxy

Finished install - now to keep it running between re-boots: go back to adito directory and issue "ant install-service" in command prompt

Now start the service and login at https://localhost

Adito doesn't seem to have any ready-made extensions so I copied RDP from old SSL-Explorer application - has to be a zipped file, complete with application.xml file. Went to extension store and uploaded it, failed twice before actually uploading, now it is there and I can choose it when I go to "create application".

Now I can't connect through the firewall - seems NAT is working fine however the windows firewall even though is set to allow https traffic, still blocks it. Added a rule to allow port 443 and now it allows Adito to work - can't understand why that is....

Well, now I have a complete functioning SSL VPN, available from anywhere.

I will experiment with Adito agent and maybe creating web folders, etc. - maybe a little later

1 comment:

  1. Great guide on VPN's, thank you very much for sharing it.
